Humans are creatures of habit. We wake up at the same time, eat the same things, watch the same shows, unwind in the same ways, and play the same games. Our dogs are creatures of habit as well. They sleep in the same spots, knowing exactly when they get fed, and jump up when they hear you grab their leash. This can lead to taking the same walks, hurrying past the same things, and doing the same activities every time we go outside with our dogs.
This sense of routine isn’t inherently a bad thing, but your time outside with your dog can be so much more! Introducing novelty while you are outside with your dog in the form of enrichment will enhance your time together, it will lead to a more tired and satisfied dog, it will provide some cherished memories and it will connect the two of you even more.
Enrichment doesn’t have to cost you anything. Opportunities are all around you and your dog if you know where to look! Here are 5 DIY canine enrichment ideas to try the next time you are out with your best friend!
5 DIY Canine Enrichment Ideas to try Outdoors
1. Dog Parkour
Parkour opportunities are everywhere and they can provide enrichment for every dog. You just need to know where to look and how to help your dog stay safe. Look for a nice big rock to hop up on, (just be sure to help them down!) Ask them to crawl under a bench at your favorite park. Maybe your dog isn’t the most athletic, or arthritis limits their mobility. Parkour can still provide great enrichment for your dog too! Find two trees that are growing close together and send them between them. Search out a small stump for them to put their front two paws on. Teach them to go around the signs around your block. Whatever shape your dog is in, wherever you walk or hang out, Parkour is a great way to work their brain, move their body, and build your bond. Read our post here for more tips on getting started in dog parkour.

2. Sausage Tree
This is a fun and easy sniffing and foraging game that your dog will love. The concept is simple, place treats throughout the bark of a tree then let your dog sniff, scratch, and eat the snacks they find. At first, you may have to show your dog the treats and how to get them, but soon they will start hunting all on their own! This game taps right into their instinct to hunt and forage and leaves them satisfied. It helps with excessive prey drive and destruction in particular!
3. New Places
A simple but effective way to enrich your and your dog’s lives is to go to new places. That doesn’t have to mean a huge road trip across the state. Do a quick search for trails near you. Take a right turn where you always take a left. Drive to a parking lot and just let your dog sniff around. Find a river to jump into or splash around. Just break that cycle of the same old spot at the same time. I guarantee your dog will come home more satisfied even if you go for a shorter walk!
4. Islands of Calm
We are always so wrapped up in our schedules, our worries, our phones. Taking a step back and just enjoying a breeze, the smell of your dog’s fur in the sun, and the sounds of nature can just go so far towards building a stronger bond with your dog. Find little spots to go to where you just sit, decompress, and watch your dog do their doggie thing. It doesn’t have to be long. When I do this I like to mimic what my dog does. If Manzo rolls around in the grass, I roll too. If he lays down, I lay down, if he sniffs the breeze so do I. You’ll always remember these moments you set aside for you and your dog to just be together, away from everything else.

5. Hunting Games
Especially with the fall right around the corner, these games are so easy to set up! Hide treats throughout a rock wall. Bury their favorite toy in a leaf pile. Even just letting them follow the fresh deer tracks in the snow provides so much enrichment and fulfillment for our dogs! Let them use that nose of theirs to find their prizes. Adjust the difficulty according to their drive and skill. If you are training, a good hunt can be an amazing reward for recall. It will also help wear them out in a healthy way.
So next time you head outside, choose one of these 5 things to do with your dog. Which one will you choose to try? Be sure to come back and tell us how it went.